Empower Your Education with Every Transaction

Join EdQ to simplify your payments, shop smart, and boost your financial literacy—all in one place.



The Smart Way to Manage School Expenses

Student Empowerment

Helps children learn valuable financial skills.

Convenient Payments

Makes school transactions faster and easier.

Enhanced Security

Reduces cash handling and risk of theft.

Parental Insight

Allows guardians to monitor and guide spending.


Explore EdQ's Features

Experience easy QR payments, friendly budgeting & robust parental controls

Streamline Payment with QR Card

School Essentials Store

Financial Literacy and Education

Parental Monitoring

Streamline Payment with QR Card

Experience the ultimate convenience with EdQ's QR card payments. Whether it's cafeteria lunches, bookstore purchases, or event tickets, pay swiftly and securely with just a scan.

QR Code Payments

Secure, cashless transactions at school for convenience and simplicity

Spending Analysis

Detailed insights and breakdown of your child's school spending

Budgeting Tools

Intuitive, interactive financial management powered by EdQ

Parental Controls

Monitor and customize financial settings to fit your child's needs

School Essentials Store

Unlock exclusive access to high-quality, affordable school supplies through the EdQ Store. From backpacks to stationery, find everything you need for your educational journey at discounted prices.

Exclusive Discounts

Shop smart and save big on all your school essentials with special discounts only available at the EdQ Store.

Curated Selection

Find everything you need with ease, thanks to our carefully selected range of high-quality, essential school and children's items.

Interactive Mini-Lessons

Empowering Financial Literacy

EdQ's mini-lessons deliver practical knowledge, skill-building, and an engaging learning experience in financial literacy to empower children for financial success and independence..

Join the parents who have shared their experiences

Real Stories of Growth

Seah Family


Since using EdQ, I've noticed my son taking charge of his school expenses and even saving some money!



The financial lessons integrated into the app are helping my daughter understand how to responsibly manage money.



My kids now have their own payment cards, and I can control their spending. EdQ made this transition to financial independence easy!



I've never seen my niece and nephew so excited about learning about money! EdQ turned mundane expenses into an engaging experience.

David and Claire


We love the way EdQ integrates financial education into everyday spending! Our kids learn valuable lessons while shopping at school.



Finally, a solution that simplifies transactions and educates my kids at the same time. EdQ is a game-changer for school payments.

Pricing Options

Invest in your child's future

Choose a plan that suits your budget for a comprehensive financial education



Embark on your EdQ journey at no cost, leveraging key payment features and introductory financial education to kickstart your savvy spending.

Use of QR card payments for convenient transactions

Limited access to the EdQ Store with standard pricing

Access to basic financial literacy content and resources



Elevate your EdQ experience with the Standard Tier, gaining enhanced financial insights, exclusive store discounts, and enriched educational content for a minimal fee.

All features from the Free Tier

Eligibility for exclusive discounts in the EdQ Store

Access to basic spending tracking and insights

Enhanced access to financial literacy modules and interactive tools



Experience the pinnacle of EdQ with the Premium Tier, providing extensive financial resources, consistent savings, sophisticated analytics, and priority support for comprehensive financial empowerment.

All features from the Standard Tier

Year-round exclusive discounts and offers in the EdQ Store

Advanced spending analytics and personalized budgeting tools

Priority customer support

Exclusive access to premium financial literacy content, including advanced modules and personalized advice

All Your Questions Answered

Explore the frequently asked questions about EdQ

Start the Journey to Financial Literacy for Your Child

About us

Stay connected with EdQ for the latest insights on raising a financially literate generation and updates on new features.

Together, we're shaping a financially wise next generation.

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